Use the missing word as the NWA code on NewWorldAddress and transfer the 1000 sats to your own bitcoin address. First person that gets it wins. Only one winner.

1) Go to

2) Type or paste the missing word into the NWA Code.

3) See the address of 1151oC2JR1JvpfvSyPRv2NN18CxKgCTcJw populate.

4) If there is a balance at that address, input your own BSV address into the ‘send to’ address.

5) Replace the default amount of ‘1’ to the total balance minus 100 sats for fees (Ex; if balance 1100, enter in 1000)

6) Hit send to enjoy your sats!!

Leave a comment if you have any questions.

Disclaimer: The statement posted is my opinion and not to be taken as financial advice, and may or may not be true 😉

Check the winning address balance to see if the prize is still available. There will only be one winner for this game. The person who transfers the coins first, and is confirmed by the miners, is the winner


I tried “diminish” and “dwindle” as they fit your sentence but not the format.

You are on the right track!! The right answer is synonymous with one of your words above, as per google

submitted by /u/NewOCLibraryReddit
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