No doubt you've heard about skyrocketing home prices, in some markets home prices are going up 25% or more per year, year over year. In some especially hot markets homes are rising that amount in a single quarter or half a year. This is keeping both Millenials and Gen Z'ers out of the housing market, especially Millenials who are entering that stage in live when they are moving out of hip areas and cities looking for more space or getting married, having kids, and starting families and are looking for more room and better schools.
Traditionally this is where people would be putting a hefty chunk of their money. But with Millenials and Gen Z'ers not buying homes, those tens of thousands of Dollars traditionally used as a downpayment, and those monthly mortgage payments have to go somewhere. Well where can they go?
Well interest rates aren't shit so they aren't going to be sitting in bank accounts and money market accounts, and nobody is going to be locking up money in a CD for 0.0015%. The stock market is a popular place but many people are worried an imminent crash is among us, also I'm hearing from many of my peers that they don't trust the stock market. While I think we've all always known the market is somewhat rigged to an extent, the whole fiasco with Robinhood really highlighted how big players behind the scenes and Government are working together to make sure the little guy can't get ahead, and beyond that, while previous generations enjoyed their 8% to 10% returns, for Millenials and Gen Z'ers, those returns don't get our dicks hard.
So that leaves crypto. I not only do these generations have a good understanding of crypto, in many instances a better understanding than the stock market as many people's initial introduction to saving and investing was crypto and not stocks, but it's also something that in a sense doesn't need to be "trusted" as in many ways the blockchain runs itself ie smart contracts and it outside the control of any central company or Government.
That leaves me thinking Millenials and Gen Zers will continue to pour their money into cryptocurrency and asssuming home prices don't come down, I only see this continuing as both of these generations continue to grow into their prime earning years. To me this is very bullish for crypto.
submitted by /u/rulesforrebels
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