When buying, selling, or trading your cryptos, the exchange you choose should have enough trading volume to ensure your holdings are relatively liquid, meaning you can sell them when you want. Again, this can be an instance where size matters. Often, the more popular exchanges are also those with the largest trade volumes. Trading volume is the number of units traded in a market during a given time. This also means that for a stock, for example, the trading volume refers to the number of individual stocks that were traded during the measured period.
A lot of people use so many exchanges out there. But I just found myself a great solution to trade cryptocurrencies. for many months, I have been on the lookout for a fast, safe yet secure way to do that but couldn't find anything good. Until now because of the Exchange of Expx. Trading never went this smooth and easy in a secure way at the same time!
submitted by /u/Crypto2tmoon
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