? Mithril ? is a community-driven token on the Binance Smart Chain fueled by an active and growing fellowship of Mithril-handed holders



Maximum 1,000,000 MITHRIL per wallet

Total Supply: 100,000,000 MITHRIL

Transaction Fees: 2% to holders, 2% to liquidity


Join us:

? r/bscmithril ? ? t.me/bscmithril ? ? bscmithril.com ?

Liquidity burned: https://bscscan.com/token/0x20F6Ca2445695CC2d3A2137F1823E7929581c699#balances

Ownership renounced: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x5c2c19a9d639bf49e7e4e7c7ead19e60e24d249abc62fd883f0de34269e9fcc4

submitted by /u/pcL04dL3tt3r
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