Kraken Becomes Official Crypto Partner of Spain’s Iconic Football Club Atlético de Madrid

Cryptocurrency exchange Kraken announced its partnership with Atlético de Madrid, one of Spain’s most iconic football clubs, on Wednesday. Starting with the 2024 season, Kraken will be the Official Crypto and Web3 Partner and the Official Sleeve Partner for all Atlético de Madrid men’s and women’s football shirts. This collaboration aims to merge the worlds […]

Worldcoin Agrees to Temporarily Stop Operations in Spain

Worldcoin, the biometric proof-of-personhood identification protocol, has agreed to temporarily stop its operations in Spain. According to statements from the Spanish privacy watchdog AEPD, the company committed to stop its data collection practices for a year or until Baviera’s privacy regulator finishes its investigation into Worldcoin’s inner workings. Worldcoin to Pause Biometric Data Collection Activities […]

Telegram Banned in Spain for Not Cooperating in Unauthorized Content Probe

Telegram, the messaging powerhouse, has been banned in Spain on a case investigating the hosting of unauthorized content owned by media companies in Spain. The Audiencia Nacional (National Court), one of the highest courts in Spain, has authorized this ban until Telegram cooperates by sending the required info to the court. Audiencia Nacional Bans Telegram […]

Spain launches AI regulation agency in bid to become industry leader

Spain has become one of the first countries in the European Union to establish its own task force for regulating Artificial Intelligence on Aug. 22, when the Council of Ministers approved a Royal Decree establishing the new agency.This post was originally published on this site