What is Oly Omni?

? Oly Omni is an app built on Binance Smart Chain that provides price charts for BSC, Polygon, Polkadot & Ethereum coins/tokens.?

?Telegram: https://t.me/OlyOmni

? Twitter: https://twitter.com/olyomni

Oly Omni Use Cases

? Oly Omni Swap

? Oly Omni Charts

? Oly Omni Launchpad

? Oly Omni Wallet

✨Registered users Earn Oly Omni Tokens every time they visit any price chart on the Oly Omni app or invite other users to register and have access to the Pro view of the chart features. Unregistered users have basic features view of the price charts.✨

? Tokenomics

Total Supply: 100B

✨ 4% Auto Burn

✨ 3% Reflected to HODLERS.

Contract: https://bscscan.com/address/0x738B90fBbdC136cd1D7b139B5C99942D87a252C1


Why Oly Omni?

✅ Team KYCed by Defi Presales Fund


✅ Audited Contract

✅ No Team Tokens

✅ Rewards Tokens Locked & Vested

✅ Liquidity will be Locked

✅ IDO in a Third Party Launchpad


? Website: https://olyomni.com

?Telegram: https://t.me/OlyOmni

?Telegram: https://t.me/OlyOmni

?Telegram: https://t.me/OlyOmni

? Twitter: https://twitter.com/olyomni

submitted by /u/SAFUMaster
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